So I just signed up to volunteer for Planned Parenthood as clinic escort; I'll be walking women and their partners past the crowds of protestors that line the sidewalks. I am so excited and a little bit nervous too. My husband is definitely nervous but he completely supports what I want to do. After years of doing volunteer work for many very "chic" organizations I've decided that it's time to really put my money where my mouth is. It's one thing to sit back and talk about it and I'm not saying that's not important, but its another to put yourself right into the thick of it. And..I couldn't live with myself if somehow Roe v Wade gets overturned and I hadn't done everything that I could to protect a woman's right to choose.
I know that sometimes this argument gets messy and inconvenient. As I said to a dear old friend at lunch today...we can't choose the time when history decides to repeat itself. The time for action is NOW. SO, if you're sitting on the fence, thinking that you'd like to get involved all I've got to say is "What's stopping you?"...."How will you feel when Roe is no longer the law of the land and you were just too busy to protect the rights of your daughters, friends and granddaughters? There's always a little extra time...write a letter, put together a lemonade stand, raise some money or come work with me and all of the rest of the men and women working tirelessly everyday to protect our rights to choose the healthcare we need and deserve.
Right now Planned Parenthood needs any volunteer time that you can give them. We've got to circle the wagons here folks...they are relentlessly under attack. Ohio, my home state is next in line for attempts to defund and they only get government dollars to support PreNatal care...Why on earth would any group be so mean as to take away that? Tell me....What is the point?
If you're afraid to stand up for what you believe is right then fear and intolerance will have won.
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