Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What would Thomas Jefferson Do?

I believe that this picture originated from BBC News. 

"Stop telling us to accept him. You do not have an argument worthy enough to shut the rest of the planet up. The ENTIRE planet stood up to tell you that."

"I listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme
Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the
embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed
in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a
promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.
I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can.
Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in
our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they
thought it was Obama's.
I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely
unwilling to give."

Author unknown.

Monday, January 30, 2017

It's only taken Trump 10 Days to fire his acting Attorney General...not 5 Years like Nixon. That means it should only take a few Months to Impeach him.


 Do some research and ask yourself....How does The Emoluments Clause of the American Constitution Apply To Donald Trump?

He's hiding something from the American people and it's time to find out what it is. Call your Senators and Congressmen and Women and demand that proceedings begin immediately. 

US SENATE (202)224-3121 
US CONGRESS (202)225-3121

The Revolution will not be Televised.......

See you all in the streets......

15 Minutes a Day to defend America

I began this page in memory of my mother. She loved the group Patriots for Change, which was a small but mighty group that emerged during the Bush years, but they seem to have disappeared from existence. I buried her with her Barack Obama button...she was working on his campaign when she died. So I'm going to see if I can bring that dream back to life.

I learned from my mother very early on that if you didn't have fifteen minutes every day for at least four days a week to spend protecting your democracy, that you probably needed to come very close to losing it to appreciate it even more.

We are very close..closer than I've seen in my lifetime yet I see this as a cause for optimism. We've got a lot of people really motivated. Frankly? We don't have any more time to freak out. Everyday brings us another Executive order and closer to another trade war or even worse to contemplate, another World War. 

Trump himself has been described as a malignant narcissist but Steve Bannon who seems to be controlling the Presidents every thought and penstroke is a masterful sociopath. He must be removed from office as well. 

That being said , now is the time for action. I discovered long ago that getting into action and being unreasonable is the key to feeling better about whatever is happening around you. And, you've got to get a life too. So pick three things to work on fifteen minutes a day, 4 days a week. Fifteen minutes....that's it. I know that you've got the time. Then go about your way being happy..living your life.

That's the best revenge.

Here are my three....

Women's Rights. Freedom of Speech and the Press. Animal and Environmental Rights. Oh..and these are on top of my personal goals to #ImpeachTrump and #BanBannon

What are yours? Please let me know so that I can support you!

Don't be Silenced.

 From http://www.tourismindustryblog.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/silencing-critics.jpg

I realized that this morning I almost didn't share my nephews postings, that because of a couple of comments last night from people I love,  I almost muzzled myself. You know what? I won't do that and please... I hope you don't either. Don't yield to the voices that would silence you using shame as their weapon. This isn't the time for self censorship even if you temporarily upset a friend or two.


If you still like our resident dictator , in spite of who he has shown himself to be, there's not much I can do about that and it's not my job. Perhaps you, like the unfortunate frogs we had to do experiments on in school need the water in the pot you are sitting in to boil a little harder. Not me. I'm already scalded by the gaslighting and fascist rhetoric coming out of this authoritarian regime. Let me know when you're ready to jump out.

If you think that I and everyone else who is using the power of the citizen press to speak out  are simply trying to get attention and showing off? Why would you even say that about millions of people who care passionately about the same country you live in? I get that you're tired of it. Guess what? We are too. I would prefer to be working on my next book right now but living in a democracy being taken over by those hellbent on destroying it is not convenient. In light of this week I hope that you can understand the urgency.  You want kittens and puppies? Unfollow me. We can still be friends.
For those of you who wanted me to give this man a chance ...I hope that this last week has shown you why I and millions of others thought we could not. We must resist now, make our voices heard loud and clear, that we will not allow these attacks to our easy freedoms to stand. In one week this man has shown us that he was who he said he was and worse. 

 I'm off to the airport today to offer comfort and love where I can. If you needed it I'd do the same for you. So would millions of others obviously.

Thank goodness. Our pulse is strong.


Enemy of the State

From the DailyBeast.com

#enemyofthestate #NoBanNoWall
A lot has happened in the last week. We've watched as a man who is easily controlled by his ego has become inarguably the biggest enemy of the state that we've ever seen. Yesterday's Muslim ban was the biggest tragedy that I've personally ever witnessed. That being said it was also very calculated ...make no mistake... Trump is being given these orders by Steve Bannon. It is said that Bannon is writing his executive orders and as part of the media he is also clear about just how easy it is to control public perception.

It is now known that Steve Bannon overrode the Department of Homeland Security to include the green card ban. He knew how it would look and the furor it would create.

Did you hear me? A Breitbart newsman overrode the Department of Homeland Security.

Make no mistake. He wants to completely disrupt our country and our way of life. Trump is the easy pawn in this game. He's narcissistic, egoic and easily led around by his balls. It's also not clear yet, but I imagine that during his time with Breitbart, Steve Bannon has some nasty information he's dug up on the President.
Steve Bannon has an agenda and it is becoming clearer by the day. He is chief strategist to this President and he now finds himself replacing the military presence on the National Security Council.

Did you hear me? A Breitbart newsman is sitting on the National Security Council.

This isn't normal.This isn't safe.This isn't America.

What I want to say to all of you protesting is this. Stay safe. Stay peaceful. Protest -it's your right , but remember...get violent and this President can with a flick of his pen turn us into a police state.

We've got to be smarter and we've got to know our rights. Steve Bannon knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted the protests and the ACLU involved. Remember though... he's got an Achilles heel called power. We can defeat him too, but we have to be smarter. Keep bombarding the Congress and Senate with calls. Keep calling out the wrongs and let's use all the legal firepower we have at our disposal. Demand that our leaders, Dem and GOP call these wrongdoings into account. Incessantly. Daily.

 Until they hear us.

The only weapon that men like Steve Bannon really have is smoke and mirrors..but it's a powerful weapon. We discovered yesterday that we can push back and win, but we've got to continue pulling back the curtain. Distorting Perception is powerful crowd control and thats why Bannon and Conway are attacking the media. They are media also and they are doing what they know how to do.

The problem is that they've got the bully pulpit and Trump who never wanted to be President has abdicated his authority to them. They are manipulating those who voted for them with fear of the unknown ...they are keeping us in a state of turmoil while they do as much damage as they can before the courts toss them out.

Don't fall for it. Stay safe. Protest powerfully and peacefully. Protect your fellow Americans...all of them.

We've got problems that need to be addressed for sure but I believe as a country we can figure that out if we simply begin to speak with each other.

Yesterday was our worst nightmare. We watched as singlehandedly a group of people were demonized for their religion, yet Christians from those countries were given a pass. I am hoping that my Christian friends can see the danger and irony here.
It isn't American. It is the beginning of the destruction of the Constitution, the attempt to obliterate the rights of separation between Church and State.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Fear is our greatest enemy here. It renders us powerless.

Democrats and Republicans alike we have only one chance. We have to force our elected officials to do the right thing. Gridlock must end now and Steve Bannon must be removed from any position of power. It is becoming clearer by the minute who is wearing the pants in the Executive wing.