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From http://www.tourismindustryblog.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/silencing-critics.jpg |
I realized that this morning I almost didn't share my nephews postings, that because of a couple of comments last night from people I love, I almost muzzled myself. You know what? I won't do that and please... I hope you don't either. Don't yield to the voices that would silence you using shame as their weapon. This isn't the time for self censorship even if you temporarily upset a friend or two.
If you still like our resident dictator , in spite of who he has shown himself to be, there's not much I can do about that and it's not my job. Perhaps you, like the unfortunate frogs we had to do experiments on in school need the water in the pot you are sitting in to boil a little harder. Not me. I'm already scalded by the gaslighting and fascist rhetoric coming out of this authoritarian regime. Let me know when you're ready to jump out.
If you think that I and everyone else who is using the power of the citizen press to speak out are simply trying to get attention and showing off? Why would you even say that about millions of people who care passionately about the same country you live in? I get that you're tired of it. Guess what? We are too. I would prefer to be working on my next book right now but living in a democracy being taken over by those hellbent on destroying it is not convenient. In light of this week I hope that you can understand the urgency. You want kittens and puppies? Unfollow me. We can still be friends.
For those of you who wanted me to give this man a chance ...I hope that this last week has shown you why I and millions of others thought we could not. We must resist now, make our voices heard loud and clear, that we will not allow these attacks to our easy freedoms to stand. In one week this man has shown us that he was who he said he was and worse.
I'm off to the airport today to offer comfort and love where I can. If you needed it I'd do the same for you. So would millions of others obviously.
Thank goodness. Our pulse is strong.
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